Retrouver nos produits innovants dédiés à la nutrition des seniors

CITRAGE, citrulline for seniors

CITRAGE is a research and development laboratory in the field of nutrition and health. It develops and markets in partnership with researchers from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences from Paris Descartes University dietary supplements and dietary food for special medical purposes compounded ​​from citrulline for seniors.

We are very careful about the quality of our products. That’s why our products are compounded ​​from pharmaceutical grade citrulline, developed and packaged in France. We work with providers selected for their professionalism and skills and establish long term partnerships.

Our products are available in France in pharmaceutical wholesale distributors, distributed in community pharmacies and through our website.

New product :

ProteoCIT is a dietary food for special medical purposes containing citrulline. More precisely, it is a nutritional supplement oral adjuvant treatment of malnutrition and sarcopenia.

Discover ProteoCIT »


Offre valable uniquement pour les particuliers en France métropolitaine et sur tous les produits Citrage, à l'exception des produits de la gamme Dysphameal, du 24 au 27 novembre 2023 inclus, limitée à une commande par personne et non cumulable avec les points de fidélité.