Retrouver nos produits innovants dédiés à la nutrition des seniors

The 4 co-founders

Pr Luc Cynober

Pharmacist and doctor of pharmaceutical and biological science, he directs the department of experimental biology, metabolic and clinical at the faculty of pharmaceutical and biological sciences of Paris Descartes University.

He is also head of biochemistry inter-hospital department at Cochin Hospital and Hôtel Dieu and he is the author of the book « the truth about dietary supplements. »

Pr Jean Pascal De Bandt

Pharmacist and doctor of pharmaceutical and biological science, he directs the Biological Laboratory of Nutrition at the Faculty of pharmaceutical and biological sciences at Paris Descartes University.

He is also a hospital practitioner at biochemistry inter-hospital department at Cochin Hospital and Hôtel Dieu.

Dr Christophe Moinard

Doctor in Food Science and Nutrition, he is a lecturer at the faculty of pharmaceutical and biological at Paris Descartes university.

He conducts his research in the department of experimental biology, metabolic and clinical and he is the author or co-author of forty original scientific publications in journals of very high scientific level. He led research on l-citrulline.

Dr Cécile Loï

Doctor in food science and nutrition and CEO of CITRAGE.

She has worked in the team of Professor CYNOBER for ten years in the field of clinical nutrition (project manager experimental and clinical research in partnership with pharmaceutical companies).

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