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Scientific research on citrulline


Scientific studies show that citrulline is the only amino acid beyond the splanchnic sequestration and having a direct effect on muscle protein synthesis, thereby enabling the increase of muscle mass.

This amino acid is involved in the regulation of nitrogen metabolism and is an interesting nutritional strategy for preserving muscle mass during aging.

The scientific research, conducted at the University Paris Descartes, on the effects of citrulline in the body, have resulted in numerous scientific papers published in journals of high repute.

Stimulates muscle protein synthesis



(1) Citrulline stimulates muscle protein synthesis at the post absorptive state in healthy subjects fed a low protein diet. M. Jourdan et al. Laboratory of Biological Nutrition, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France;Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA, Clinical Nutrition 2008; 3 Supplement 1:11-2 (abstract)

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Improves nitrogen balance


Citrulline supplementation

is associated with

an increase in

nitrogen balance (2)







(2) Manipulation of citrulline availability in humans. Rougé C, Des Robert C, Robins A, Le Bacquer O, Volteau C, De La Cochetière M-F, Darmaun D. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2007;293:G1061-G1067.

Dose ranging effect





(3) Dose-ranging effects of citrulline administration on plasma amino acids and hormonal patterns in healthy subjects: the Citrudose pharmacokinetic study. Moinard C, Nicolis I, Neveux N, Darquy S, Bénazeth S, Cynober L.. British Journal of Nutrition, 2008; 99:855-62.

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Improves muscle protein content.

In a study conducted among elderly malnourished rats, oral intake of citrulline (5 days) increases muscle protein content (20%) and muscle protein synthesis (+90%)(4).

(4)Citrulline modulates muscle protein metabolism in old malnourished rats. Osowska S, DuchemannT,Walrand S,Paillard A,Boirie Y,Cynober L, Moinard C. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006. 291:E582-E586.

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Used to correct the effects of aging on body composition.






(5) Long-term effect of critrulline supplementation in healthy aged rats: effect on body composition, C. Moinard, S. Le Plénier, C. Carchy, L. Cynober, A. Raynaud-Simon. Clinical Nutrition 2009; 4 Supplements 2: 12-2.

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ProteoCIT for the dietary management of sarcopenia or malnutrition, especially among frail elderly.

» ProteoCIT