Retrouver nos produits innovants dédiés à la nutrition des seniors

CITRAGE was present at NutrEvent 2013, wednesday June 19th at Grand Palais Lille. Jointly produced and organized by Eurasanté, the Nutrition Health Longevity cluster and Lille Grand Palais conference centre, NutrEvent is the major event in nutrition and health innovation with about 500 professionnal visitors and more than 21 nationalities represented. Every two years, NutrEvent brings together stakeholders in science, industry and regulatory affairs around a single theme : catalysing and accelerating R&D projects in Nutrition and Health. This year, there was a focus on products for elderly and aging well with a session « Adding life to years : Active aging & Nutrition ». This track mainly covered the « scientific push » in nutrition focusing on active aging. CITRAGE has been nominated with ProteoCIT for the NutriAward of health product innovation.

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